I moved to the country to have a slower life. This year, I
- Stepped 4 layers and 100 years of siding off a house
- Resided the house with OSB and Siding board
- Caulked the siding
- Stripped out an entire basement
- Built an entire tiny house
- Built 5 chicken tractors
- Raised 35 chickens and 16 turkeys
- Planted 100 fruit trees
- Plowed 2 acres of field to turn into garden
- Established irrigation to that area
- Leased out 5 acre for corn growing
- Tiled a shower halfway
And I’ve got another years worth of projects to go before I feel like I can slow down.
Which means I haven’t slowed down since moving to the country.
So I haven’t had time to relax, reflect, or slow down.
I’ll admit much of this is by choice. But I only have so much capacity.
And I know my capacity is limited as some point.
I like to do the things I’m interested in, but usually my interest level doesn’t last until the project is done.
And if I always have things to do next, I don’t make time to reflect and review and make sure I’m focused on the right things.
So I’m missing introspection in my life.
Introspection is the way I reset. The way I make sure I’m on track.