Drastically out of shape

I used to play volleyball 2-4 hours per day. Probably 60% of that was at full speed.

Then I graduated and could no longer teach the course.

Since 2013 (!?), I’ve not had a consistent exercise time built into my day.

Despite doing some cycling earlier this year (and dealing with the injury), I am incredibly out of shape.

My wife and I did a 5 minute high intensity interval training video from youtube last night.

Five minutes.

And it really wasn’t that intense.

And I was breathing hard and coughing for at least 30 minutes.

Five years ago I wouldn’t have batted an eye at this. It would have barely raised my heart rate.

And last night I was basically knocked flat.

I don’t look it, but crap. I’m way out of shape.

And let that be a lesson to you all. It’s ok for the guy whose lean physique you may cover to say he’s out of shape.

Because if five minutes of effort knocks him flat, he’s 100% right.