What do you miss when traveling?

I learn by reading. I try to read a lot. I want to increase how much I learn by experiencing.

One of the things I’d like to do it travel for extended periods of time.

I’ve read some books about the topic, and I love how traveling for a long time can be financially more sound than living in the US. (Read: cheaper, far cheaper.)

But what do you miss by leaving your home for an extended period of time?

You no longer participate in your community/neighborhood.

You don’t serve people you’ve built relationships with over years.

You give up activities and service that helped you get to the point where you are.

I’m not saying you can replace what matters in a new community or where you travel to. And I think you can certainly learn much from extended travel, but it seems extended travel is a glorification or selfish behavior and is done only for yourself, where you can probably make a bigger difference in others’ live by staying home.

That said, I’d like to live in a different place for a month at a time each year, and learn to break my own shell of introversion in a community.