As a part of my business trip, I ate dinner at a hotel bar.
I rarely (never) go to bars, and I don’t drink alcohol for a multitude of reasons. So there is a lot about that situation I was unfamiliar with.
One group of 30-40 year olds got louder the more they drank. One woman did most of the talking, and the other three just listened and occasionally said words. But not very many. Probably a social thing more than a bar thing. That lady probably just talks and complains, and that group dynamic shows it.
Another group were clearly strangers previously, but as soon as they started talking everything was free game. They were cursing each other one minute and best friends the next.
They spent at least 20 minute decrying millennials and their entitlement issues and lack of work ethic, all the while complaining more about millennials than any millennial I’ve ever heard complain about anything.
I can’t imagine what loosened them up to talk that freely, but i assume it was the booze.
I really have no idea and I’m probably jumping to conclusions. But it made for an interesting hour while I waited for a Caesar salad with too-dry chicken.