Irons in the fire

I used to think I had to be everywhere doing everything. The added pressure was to be the best at all those things.

To some extent, that is what school teaches: you have 6-8 subjects and in order to be a good person, you have to be good at all of them.

It sets the precedent for split focus and perfectionism, two things that actually aren’t that good.

So how do we combat it? I close doors. I say no to things. I guard my free time and focus on a few things. If there is something I want to do, but can’t make it work right now, I set that iron in a place where I can pick it up when I need it, but I don’t try to keep it hot.

I was going to write a book this year. But other things took precedence. Perhaps when I finish the finance in five minutes series, I’ll take up the book idea. But for now that iron sits unattended.

And that’s ok. I don’t have to be everything to everyone.